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Tutorial: Ensure your website is ready for publishing

This tutorial will help you ensure your website is ready for publishing
Angie Neal
Written 1 year ago

Step by step instructions to ensure your website is ready for publishing

To follow this tutorial, you must first log into your website.

1. Getting your site ready

Once your website has been developed and we’ve handed it over to you, you can edit the content and layout of each page until you’re happy with it.

We have compiled a checklist of common tasks to run through when finalising your new site. We’ll do a final sweep as well, but it’s best to be thorough to avoid any delays.

2. Checklist

Here are some common items to run through before confirming your website is finished:

All necessary pages have been created and added to the menu
All pages have content (including images, where applicable)
All images and videos placed in the website have appropriate copyright permission
All hyperlinks (including menu items) are working
Your contact information on the Contact page is complete and accurate
Your contact form works, and email comes through to the correct address when testing
All of your staff have individual website logins (no single/shared login details) and have set their own passwords
Any specific features (e.g. photo gallery, social media plugins, testimonials, maps) are tested and working

3. Publishing your website

If all of the the checklist items are complete, you’re on your way!

Just let us know when you’re done and we’ll take a final look through the site before we publish it for you.
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